Friday, March 24, 2006

sweater sleeve, back and left front

First section done - now I cast on for second part - the wavy part is the back where I will continue after doing a bunch of inches for the right front -- can you believe how brown my lawn is? It just goes to show that growing season hasn't begun in NY yet. And this is adjusted a bit to make the colors look a bit better as the sun was bleaching things out a LOT.


Unknown said...

Looks good! You'll be done in no time. :)

Spinningfishwife said...

PRETTY colours....mmmm.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Amazing progress rho! I'm still fiddling while Rome Burns. Or was that someone else in a dream I just had. hmmm....

Anyway, congrats on your sweater. The Olympics are over you know.. Wry smile...