Sunday, January 29, 2006

I'm in the Olympics

well the Yarn Harlot Olympics -- going to do the Farmers' Market Tote from Knit Picks (by Dennis Lorimor for Knit Picks) see picture below of their finished product.

in Extra Large. It will be a challenge for me for sure - but I ordered the yarn for it awhile ago and it came in and has sitting in the back room waiting for me to work up the nerve to do it. There are a few things in the pattern I am not totally clear on (picking up stitches and slipping the first and last stitch of the round on the short side -- and it goes on from there) But I will figure this out and have another tote (I have this obsession for totes [and storage chests - but that is another story]) you just can't have too many totes (or storage chests) can you?

So now I will go and try to figure how to put the Olympic banners in my sidebar.


rho said...

Thanks - I know what you mean about something being a challenge for you. I think I have to update - looks like my bag will be a small one as I don't think they sent me enough yarn for the large one.

Good luck with the purse - I haven't done them either so I will be interested in how you make out :D

Unknown said...

Do you know where I can contact this artist to offer to buy this pattern? It is no longer offered on KnitPicks and I recently saw someone else's bag and I love it!! (p.s. saw yours on Ravelry, it, too!!)

pinmv on Ravelry

Unknown said...

ahhh, I did just find it -- somehow the .pdf is still in knitpicks cache - and linkable and printable!

Thanks anyway!!
*doing happy happy dance*