Friday, February 10, 2006

Time for an update

Well it has been a long time since I posted here - but I have had a bad bout with bronchitis and then an inner ear thing that meant I bounced off walls and if I moved my head it took a few minutes for the world to stop spinning.

Looks like my Olympic project will be a small bag - when I was able to ball up the yarn I got to wondering if it was enough to do the large bag that I had ordered for. So I went back to the page where I ordered from and no matter which size I put in for the yarn calculation it came up with 5 balls of each color yarn. Now if it were single yarn knitting I would think it would work but doubling up on it I just can't see how it will make it to the large size bag. Of course since I have never done this I could be completely wrong.

So it will still be a challenge as everything that was new to me in the pattern still is - I just don't have as long to do each thing to get used to doing it now.

Well off to help DH split wood - we are under a Blizzard watch and our woodpile is pretty low - want to have plenty in so if power goes out I can knit, read (by daylight or hurricane lanterns) and cook spaghetti and meatballs and/or beef stew on the woodstove. Of course, if the power doesn't go out I will do all of that just not by light of hurricane lanterns - and watching Olympic coverage on TV.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Rho, I think we share blizzard watches between your neck of the woods and mine. Otherwise, I just dropped in to say happy retirement from one who's almost there. Oh, and happy knitting, too.

Tangled Jane

Anonymous said...

That bag is tres cute!!!!
What I don't understanding is felting, LOL What the heck is it?