Friday, January 26, 2007

Picture heavy post

Or how I spent my winter vacation -- I can't figure out how to post by each picture so you will have to forgive me -
Picture 1 is a manatee eating and resting in the shade - where I was happy to be in the heat also
#2 is a new way to surf - no waves needed
#3 after surfing we get to splash the audience
#4 is in the wrong place as it was near the end of the show
#5 incredible divers who were lifted back up to the platform by a rope lift that they put their hands thru - if you click on the picture you can see the trapezee artists in the picture too.....
#6 the flying bird lady
#7 can we dance
#8 HI my name is Shamu
#9 how wet can we get the audience
#10 this is closer to the edge maybe it will get even more wet
#11 Why don't people pay attention to where it says "Soak Zone" I still don't get why so many seemed surprised when they got "SOAKED"
#12 waving good bye
#13 I kept expecting them to burst into song and dance like the movie "Happy Feet"
and #14 the best picture of the whole trip --when we left home the gas was $2.55 and when we got home it was $2.59 I thought that $1.93 was picture worthy :D

I truly am the worst photographer in the world but these turned out pretty good considering I was holding the camera to my right and just trying to line it up with the action and click it fast enough to get the picture. I'm pretty happy with them...

Jo tell your hubby to be kind :D ......


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pictures!

Is the sky really that blue and clear there?

Unknown said...

I detect a blue thing going had to be the photographer! :=)

They're great!

zippiknits...sometimes said...

You did great! I love the photos. I've been trying to get more photos in a group like this in blogger.

And, thanks for sharing your trip. Our Seaworld here looks old and tired.