Wednesday, April 26, 2006

To everyone that has asked

where I got the pattern for my sweater -- I wrote to the woman who made it up and hopefully will hear from her by the time I get back from vacation (will be back Tuesday) and I can tell you all where to get the pattern.

Off to pack.... VACATION isn't that a wonderful word (even when you are retired)


Unknown said...

And you are bringing your sweater to Knitting Circle, aren't you? If you do, I'll tell you when my b'day is!

zippiknits...sometimes said...

welcome back rho =0) I'm glad you had a week away from the daily grind.

sheep#100 said...

Got your comment. I actually got lucky today - Neatnik went to play with grandma so I was home alone all afternoon - prime stitching time!

sheep#100 said...

Got your comment - if you want to work out a swap for a sock bag, just let me know - I am really flexible.

Suzann said...

Your sweater is glorious. And it looks beautiful on you. Have a great vacation.
Suzann (MD KAL)