Sunday, July 30, 2006

water bottle cozy

water bottle cozy
Originally uploaded by rho1640.
from the sock that didn't want to be -- I have to figure out a different way to do the little tie at the top but it works great - the other day it was about a gazillion degrees the water stayed cool far longer than I thought it would ...... hey - at a gazillion degrees you take what you can get -- I can't wait for cold rainy days......


Unknown said...

Cool! :D

I find myself downing the whole glass of water right next to the sink (our well water is icy cold, thank goodness!) so it never even makes it to the sweaty-glass stage.

Jo at Celtic Memory Yarns said...

Love the cooler glove, Rho. Hold on a little longer, the rain has got to get to you soon. (What am I saying it has COME to us from your direction. Where did it start if not from the East Coast of America? Anyway it's cool enough to knit here now, so on with all those projects...