Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My sleeve is fixed

Thanks to a very patient and super knitting friend my sleeve is fixed - I went to show her the sweater and to buy some more yarn for a new project and was showing her my too tight sleeve - she asked if it would bother me every time I wore the sweater - Wellll .....while it fit and wasn't tight tight (it just wasn't as loose as the other sleeve) it would make itself known to me each time I put it on and I would probably mutter to myself about it... So while we sat and chatted she took out the binding off part and picked back the join a bit and put the loose stitches on a piece of yarn for me...

I came home and within 15 minutes put it on larger needles and bound it off loosely and joined it all back together -- TAH DAH no more muttering to myself (well at least not about a tight sleeve)

Thank you Kathleen - I never ever would have done that and it made SUCH a difference.

Just a note --- if this is more difficult to read or make sense of than it normally is - it is because I haven't slept in 29 hours and I am a just a tad tired......

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