Friday, February 17, 2006

Olympic Project -not felted yet

Tomorrow I have to get a zippered pillowcase cover to felt this in - then my Olympic Project will be finished!! I have to say I learned a lot doing this - using big needles, picking up stitches and going from a flat piece to a circular, changing colors, slip a stitch to make a corner, icord - and enjoyed every part of it.

So why am I so nervous about how it will come out after felting -- I really mean it - I could put off doing it just to avoid that part of the project and seeing if I did ok or not LOL Oh, the joys of being a new knitter....

ps -- felt is one of those words that after typing it a few times looks like it is wrong... ;D


zippiknits...sometimes said...

Rho, I love this bag you've made. So cool! =0) Congrats on finishing your Olympic knitting project. yeay!

My answers on the Psi test were 9, 10, 5, 8, and 8. Pretty close to yours in most areas I think. It was fun. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Fantastic! I'm so pleased to know someone who's so close to the finish line!