Thursday, August 21, 2008


I just can't believe how long it has been since my last post. I would love to say I was just too busy to post but it is more that I was too cranky or uninspired to post. Ahh well. . . .

I seriously am going to try to post something more often - If it were a perfect world I would say I will blog everyday - but I know myself too well to commit to that - and anything is more often than in I have been doing - so I will post more often than in the past

I found a blog that I am reading and enjoying more that I thought possible it is My Mom's Blog
I actually started at her first blog post and have read thru to the current one so to borrow from her intro on her blog it says "
At 83 years young, Millie Garfield is one of the Internet's oldest bloggers, according to The Ageless Project. With an authentic and humorous voice, a knack for story telling and frequent updates, Millie's blog, My Mom's Blog, shows that people want to hear from someone with a story to tell."

What a joy to read - - she is my inspiration to post more often - I want to be Millie when I grow up :D


millie garfield said...


I just came to response to your comment about the picture of those guys. They ARE cute but they were not our dates. I just used that picutre from goggle.

Wish they were the guys.

Anyway, I came to your site and I found such a nice post about MY Blog!!


Brahdelt said...

Wow, good to hear from you on your blog! *^v^*
I remember I heard about a Polish lady of about 70 years old (young ^^) with a blog and many friends all over Poland, reading about her life and leaving comments, it keeps her going everyday and it makes her very happy. *^v^*

Kathy said...

Wow. Rho has posted! Miss you!