Friday, June 09, 2006

My First Sock

This is the night of my class before I made my mistake of purling away for a whole row -- and to think I used to hate purling.....

sorry this second picture is so dark - nothing seems to be working for me today --- this is today after I tinked back 12 rows and redid them. Also Sorry about the bright flash in the computer screen but it was the only place I could put the sock cuff as my house is in major disarray - more than usual that is. Cleaning and moving and rearranging for the new chair delivery on Tuesday and smoking a dozen blue fish for the fire department clam bake next week - so no kitchen counter space free yet and no space in the living room free.


Sachi said...

Yay! Forewarning: Socks are addictive.

Unknown said...

Hmmm...bluefish tacos, Rho?

Now that you've knitted past the mistake, you'll whizz along.

It really is a purty sock -- I've seen it in person!

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Deeeelicious looking! Whoot! I think you are going to love this Rho!

YarnB said...

Is this your first sock and you are using the circulars? Brave!!

vi said...

and what are the particulars on the sock yarn?
name/color number..yardage
you know....the good stuff
