Saturday, June 06, 2009

A Rant

I am getting so sick of knowing people who have aneurysms or die of them - a friend from the Fire Department died of one this morning - 50 yrs old - in a car going to the airport to go to a golf tournament - he was in the back seat and everyone thought he was asleep. He had a wife, kids in college, a good business and was very active in the community - he will be greatly missed.

Tonight is the annual Banquet for the Fire Department - it will be an evening of mixed feelings - with many remembrances of our friend.

It was a just a week ago my uncle died - this has not been a good week..


rosi-r said...

oh, rho. so sorry.

loopykd said...

Oh my goodness that's awful. God bless you and your loved ones.

cici said...

oh what a tragedy. My thought are with you and the family♥

AlisonH said...

Oh honey. I'm so sorry.

A friend of my husband's died of an aneurysm at I think 23. Boom, dropped and died on the spot, no warning. He definitely didn't suffer, but his young new widow sure did.

Hug everybody there tonight a good one for all of us out here as well.

Bullwinkle said...

Oh Rho, I'm so sorry. (This immediately brings me back to high school - my junior year, someone I didn't even know (big (giant) school), was at the mall. She turned around, dropped to the ground and died of an aneurysm at 17. I don't think the shock of it every quite wears off. (Sorry, not very hopeful or helpful, was that?))

Hug the ones you're with.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Oh Dear Rho. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your uncle and now of your friend.

Aneurysm is a thief. I've lost some close friends from it and it's just heartbreaking. So sudden and a shock, you can't process it at all in any system of beliefs. It is, well, just unbelievable.

blog-blethers said...

What a horrible time for you and all who knew him...

Maybe a little bit of a positive note - but do not want to belittle your loss in any way. My dad has had an aortic aneurysm for years and has recently celebrated his 70th birthday. Hopefully, you'll hear of more positive experiences too.

So sorry for your loss though x